13 February 2008

For all of you who read my blog:

I'm not sure how wide-spread the news of this is, but I really would like to share it with all of you:

Google is having a "Google Doodle" contest, where anyone in grades K thru 12 can "doodle" the Google name. You've seen these doodles when you've done a google search...last Christmas one of the o's showed up as a wreath...that kind of thing.

I know a few of you are really artistic, and I thought I'd pass along the news. I just heard it this morning.

Link here


Mack said...

Does 13th grade count???? Cause I really want to do that. Well, no matter, and happy valentines day!!!

wubba said...

You can always just do the doodle, to exercise your creative mind :)