19 January 2008

Yesterday, I tried a new recipe. I really don't know where I went wrong, but it was horrible!

Here is the recipe that I made, with the substitutions that I used in italics:

10 ounces barley flour 1.5 cups enriched wheat flour
2.5 tblsp baking soda
2 tsp. salt

2 large eggs
2 tblsp. honey
1 cup whole milk 1 cup 2% milk

This is supposed to be a "quick bread." It sounded really good to me, but I think the baking soda and salt were WAY too much.

I threw away the original recipe, and tried again, using 1 tsp. baking powder and 1 tsp salt in place of the baking soda and salt listed above. It was good, but still not quite what I'd hoped.

P.S. I'm still not smoking. 6 weeks and 1 day, and I've only gained 11 pounds!

1 comment:

Mack said...

well I know where your coming from, I've tried a couple of recipes and the first time is never like it's supposed to be. But hey, if you can tweak it so that it tastes better then more power to ya!!! And yay for stickin' with the no smoking!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOOOOHHHOOOOOOOO!!