21 January 2008

Got online today to look for a recipe for Journey Bread. I discovered that maybe it's only a product made in Middle Earth? Ah well, I guess I keep looking, and possibly trying different things until I possibly get it right. Today, I'll try a different idea, and possibly add some meat to the mixture. It's journey bread, so it's supposed to have nutrients, right? I just hope I don't end up throwing it away again.

I'm also making chocolate chip cookies today, so if you'd like some of my homemade cookies, stop by for a bit. I'm a little starved for company. I miss teddybear, but don't tell her that. LOL

Just a quick question: what the heck does XD mean? I see ppl putting it on their blogs, but I don't know what it is. I hate being "out of the loop." If you can help, please post a comment. Thanks

19 January 2008

Yesterday, I tried a new recipe. I really don't know where I went wrong, but it was horrible!

Here is the recipe that I made, with the substitutions that I used in italics:

10 ounces barley flour 1.5 cups enriched wheat flour
2.5 tblsp baking soda
2 tsp. salt

2 large eggs
2 tblsp. honey
1 cup whole milk 1 cup 2% milk

This is supposed to be a "quick bread." It sounded really good to me, but I think the baking soda and salt were WAY too much.

I threw away the original recipe, and tried again, using 1 tsp. baking powder and 1 tsp salt in place of the baking soda and salt listed above. It was good, but still not quite what I'd hoped.

P.S. I'm still not smoking. 6 weeks and 1 day, and I've only gained 11 pounds!

12 January 2008

Why I Quit Smoking:

1. I can't afford cigarettes anymore.
2. It's too damn cold to stand outside and smoke
3. I want to see my grandchildren grow up and get married.
4. My stepson has allergy-induced asthma
5. I can't afford cigarettes anymore.
6. I hate the way my teeth look (yellow)
7. I don't want to end up with smoker's wrinkles
8. I can't afford cigarettes anymore.
9. My son really hates the smell of cigarette smoke
10. I hate it that my car smells like stale cigarette smoke.
11. I can't afford cigarettes anymore.

11 January 2008

Word for word, a classified taken out in the Des Moines Register:

"OLDS 1999 Intrigue. Totally uncool parents who obviously don't love teenage son, selling his car. Only driven for three weeks before snoopy mom who needs to get a life found booze under front seat. $3,700/offer. Call meanest mom on the planet."

I think this world needs a lot more of the "meanest moms on the planet."

Washington Post Article

I actually think this mom needs a MOM OF THE YEAR award. Three cheers for her for sticking to her guns!!!