28 November 2007

My Name

I have been asked what my user name means...it's kind of a long story, so rather than write it in the comments of the person who asked, I'll just put it here:

About 10 years ago, I was in a chat room full of people I didn't know in real life. My username was my (then) last name backwards, with mrs in front of it. One day, just for kicks, I created a new username and went to this chat room. I used my maiden name backwards. The next time I went into that room, Kitty called me Wubbarub. It was a horrible misrepresentation of my maiden name backwards. That stuck. I have since then been Wubbarub online, which eventually got shortened to Wubba. It is very strange to have people in real life call me by my chat name, but it has happened.

OK, so this story doesn't seem now as long as I thought it would be, but I still contend that it's too long to put into someone else's comments.


Anonymous said...

Your maiden name is Burabbuw?

wubba said...

No, Wubbarub is a "horrible misrepresentation of my maiden name backwards." It was as close as she could remember the name I used. :)

Thanks for actually reading my blog!!

Mack said...

I had always wondered where you got the name wubba. It sounds really cool though and thats neet how you got it.