11 December 2007

Day 5

I am now halfway through my 5th day without a cigarette. Everyone told me it would get easier, and believe it or not, it is getting easier. Granted, I'm sure the nicotine patches are helping immensely, but I seem to be craving the cigarettes less and less. I still kind of miss my breaks at work. I used to take a break at 12:30, lunch at 2, and my last break at 5. Now, all I get is my lucnh at 2. I have been sitting at my desk other than that.

Wish me luck??

1 comment:

Mack said...

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Im so glad that your soing so well quitting!!! Its a tuff road but I know that you can do it! Seeya at the holidays mom.