11 December 2007

Day 5

I am now halfway through my 5th day without a cigarette. Everyone told me it would get easier, and believe it or not, it is getting easier. Granted, I'm sure the nicotine patches are helping immensely, but I seem to be craving the cigarettes less and less. I still kind of miss my breaks at work. I used to take a break at 12:30, lunch at 2, and my last break at 5. Now, all I get is my lucnh at 2. I have been sitting at my desk other than that.

Wish me luck??

28 November 2007

My Name

I have been asked what my user name means...it's kind of a long story, so rather than write it in the comments of the person who asked, I'll just put it here:

About 10 years ago, I was in a chat room full of people I didn't know in real life. My username was my (then) last name backwards, with mrs in front of it. One day, just for kicks, I created a new username and went to this chat room. I used my maiden name backwards. The next time I went into that room, Kitty called me Wubbarub. It was a horrible misrepresentation of my maiden name backwards. That stuck. I have since then been Wubbarub online, which eventually got shortened to Wubba. It is very strange to have people in real life call me by my chat name, but it has happened.

OK, so this story doesn't seem now as long as I thought it would be, but I still contend that it's too long to put into someone else's comments.

26 November 2007

A note on Christmas displays:

The town that I work in has put up a manger scene in the "lawn" at town hall. It was approved by the mayor prior to the display. Being a "fundamentalist Christian" (see my previous post), I was pleasantly surprised to see such a display. Of course, there is a small outrage from the non-Christians that such a religious display was allowed on public property. Now, the Wiccans are asking to be allowed to put their own display in the town park. Contrary to what those of you who read my blog may believe, I am not against this.

I believe that we should pray for the Wiccans, but I don't believe that by disrespecting them we will turn them toward Christianity. I have a son who is Wiccan, and studying anything Wicca he can get his hands on. I have helped him with this by recommending books and looking at the things he brings home. The only time I really jumped on his case was when I forced him to go to Church with me on a Sunday evening, and he was playing with his Tarot cards!!! I thought that totally disrespected the Church. To me, it was much the same as going to Grandma's and playing rap music as loud as the stereo would allow. (Grandma thinks rap is the worst music ever, and that it should be banned.)

My two cents....

20 October 2007


A note on faith, as I've been reading blogs that have been blasting fundamentalist Christians. I am probably what most people would consider a "fundamentalist Christian." Does this make me a bad person? Does it make me better than most? I have to say that the answer to both of these questions is no.

Yes, I try to share my faith with most people I encounter. I have even gone so far as to invite people to church. I try not to be too pushy because I think that's just wrong. My children won't even go to church with me. Nor are my step-children willing to attend church with my husband. We do discuss faith and God with them, but most of the time I think it goes in one ear and out the other.

The Gospel of Matthew contains the Great Commission: "Go and share with others" That's not an exact quote, but it's a really good paraphrase. So, yes, I believe in the fundamental truths of the Bible. Most of them are pretty easy to live by:

Thou shalt not have false gods, thou shall keep holy the sabbath, thou shall honor thy mother and father, thou shall not kill, thou shalt not steal, love thy neighbor as thyself.

Some are easier than others. Love thy neighbor can be extremely difficult at times. God has done some great things in my life. I also hold Him responsible for some of the crappy things that have happened to me. I mostly hold myself responsible for my own actions.

BUT -- There is this one thought -- what if I'm right, and you can't get into heaven if you don't accept Christ as your savior? What if all the "good" things you do don't matter at all if you don't have Jesus?

09 October 2007

HAPPY DAY to everyone who reads this!!

As a side note -- Mom says the teenagers (and some adults) are too "plugged in" these days, and lacking greatly in real socialization. Any thoughts?

28 September 2007

I've been working on my definition of being a "better person": (thank you to beth for the insight)

1. Yell less
2. Laugh more
3. Take care of myself physically (work out, eat better)
4. Make time for me
5. Make more time for my kids (if they're willing to spend time with me)
6. Being nicer to people in general.

I said in my previous post that it was a work in progress.

Please feel free to comment and add your two cents.

25 September 2007

More untitled

I heard from my daughter today. All is not really well in her life, but I think she is starting to figure it out. I'm really glad that she is learning how to be a grown up, I just wish that she didn't have to learn the hard way.

Message to those who know me: I have done a bunch of things in the past that I am not proud of, and that I mostly wish I never did. If I hurt you ever, I'm sorry. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you probably don't really know me. I am working on being a "better person," and also working on the definition of that phrase. Stay tuned to this blog to see how I'm doing, and feel free to comment on what your idea of a "better person" is.

19 September 2007

You're on my friends list. I'd like to know 27 things about you. Just copy and hit reply and paste in the comments section with answers. Thanks! You'll be surprised how much you didn't know about your friends after this! Then copy the meme and see if anyone answers you.
1. Do you have a tattoo?
2. How old are you?
3. Are you single or taken?
4. Eat with your hands or utensils?
5. Do you dream at night?
6. Ever seen a corpse?
7. George Strait or Jay Z?
8. How did we meet?
9. What's your philosophy on life and death?
10. If you could do anything with me, and have no one know, what would it be?
11. Do you trust the police?
12. Do you like Country music?
13. What is your fondest memory of me?
14. If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?
15. Would you cheat?
16. What do you wear to sleep?
17. Have you ever peed in a pool?
18. Would you hide evidence for me if I asked you to?
19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together?
20. Which do you prefer - short or long hair?
21. Do you sing in the shower?
22. What's your favorite color?
23. If you could bring back anyone that has passed, who would it be?
24. Tell me one interesting/odd fact about you?
25. What was your first impression of me?
26. Have you ever done drugs?
27. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?