20 October 2007


A note on faith, as I've been reading blogs that have been blasting fundamentalist Christians. I am probably what most people would consider a "fundamentalist Christian." Does this make me a bad person? Does it make me better than most? I have to say that the answer to both of these questions is no.

Yes, I try to share my faith with most people I encounter. I have even gone so far as to invite people to church. I try not to be too pushy because I think that's just wrong. My children won't even go to church with me. Nor are my step-children willing to attend church with my husband. We do discuss faith and God with them, but most of the time I think it goes in one ear and out the other.

The Gospel of Matthew contains the Great Commission: "Go and share with others" That's not an exact quote, but it's a really good paraphrase. So, yes, I believe in the fundamental truths of the Bible. Most of them are pretty easy to live by:

Thou shalt not have false gods, thou shall keep holy the sabbath, thou shall honor thy mother and father, thou shall not kill, thou shalt not steal, love thy neighbor as thyself.

Some are easier than others. Love thy neighbor can be extremely difficult at times. God has done some great things in my life. I also hold Him responsible for some of the crappy things that have happened to me. I mostly hold myself responsible for my own actions.

BUT -- There is this one thought -- what if I'm right, and you can't get into heaven if you don't accept Christ as your savior? What if all the "good" things you do don't matter at all if you don't have Jesus?

1 comment:

Teddy Bears said...

If you don't have jesus in your life then why do all the "good things"? I think that everyone should hear what the bible says. Even if after they hear it they don't accept it. Don't push it, let them come to their sences. When they do they will realize what this impact will have on their life.